Monday, September 04, 2006


$20 million now! $97 million later
symbiosis threatened
treadwell continues
.. On Saturday, September 2, 2006, Labor Day visitors were treated to a wonderful sight in the Upper Geyser Basin of Yellowstone Park. At 12:54, PM - (just a minute from the predicted time,) Old Faithful joined Beehive geyser in a rare double eruption. The screen shot shown below is from the Old Faithful Web Cam. You can view the full size photo HERE.

.. If you are interested in the geysers of Yellowstone you should visit the GEYSER OBSERVATION & STUDY ASSOCIATION (GOSA) home page. The site is currently being updated and is far superior to the old site - great photos too.

.. The Chicago Sun-Times has the best synopsis of the transportation grants being dispersed among several National Parks. Railroad cars, parking lots, regular buses, propane powered buses, a boat dock, etc. Deputy Interior Secretary Lynn Scarlett and Federal Transit Administrator James Simpson announced $20 million in grants in the 33,000-acre Cuyahoga Valley National Park. The grants are part of a program designed to disperse $97 million by 2009.

.. From Crater Lake National Park comes news of an age old dance. One that is threatened by the white pine blister rust that is slowly choking trees to death, one-by-one. The NEWS-REVIEW online notes that:
Crater Lake National Park contains the largest lakeside collection of whitebark pine stands in the world, yet their needles are slowly browning and falling away to blister rust. Based on the current rate of infection, scientists estimate by 2050 half of the national park’s witebark pine trees will be dead.

.. Kevin Sanders, (also known as 'The Yellowstone Bearman',) has updated his research into the death by grizzly of Timothy Treadwell. You can read the current status of the report & research HERE.
.. The weekend in Yellowstone seemed less crowded than usual. The weather was perfect and the sun made a dent in the cool weather that we've been having. Hotels magizine notes that there are plenty of rooms available at many of our National Parks. Maybe the entrance fees, combined with the gasoline crunch are impacting visitation. Read about the possibilities HERE.
.. The first seasonal road closures in Yellowstone are Dunraven Pass & the Beartooth Highway. These roads are schedualed for closure on October 10, 2006, at 8:00 AM. Read the whole road closure schedule HERE.